On Nov, 14 2018 the Head of «SMAR Outsourcing Solutions» Maryia Lemiaza took part as a speaker at the training workshop of the National competition of innovative projects.
During GEW the training workshop of the National competition of innovative projects was held. Actually, for many new entrepreneurs and startup founders the competition had become a starting point for developing commerce and helped to find capital investment support.
The business event took place at Imaguru Startup Hub business club. It is an innovating space that helps to unite new entrepreneurs, startuppers, investors and experts in the business area.
The speakers were the Head of Belarusian Innovative Fund Dmitry Kalinin, the Deputy Director of the Agency of Strategic and Economic Development Alexandr Kondrashonok, the entrepreneur, investor and cofounder of tut.by, hoster.by and etc. Kirill Voloshin, business-coach and a founder of Startup movement in Belarus Konstantin Zhuravskii and other expects in a startup promotion, a business planning, innovative and venture activities.
Maryia Lemiaza made a presentation to the audience with the help of the interactive report on the subject of "Tax and Accounting considerations for implementing a project and attracting investment". While speaking and having a talk with the audience were reviewed the startup life cycle stages, legal technicalities between the founder as an individual or a private entrepreneur with an entity body, as well special aspects for document creation and paying taxes. Maryia reported about how to form the value of the product correctly and to choose the most suitable tax sistem, as well Maryia shared with some secrets for attracting investment.
Thanks to all of you for attending and taking part in the Competition and GEW. See you next time!